April 19, 2024


education gives you strength

UKIP Policies | Science and Technology

Conscience is no more important than Science in deciding the path of a nation.

Scientific research underpins not only this Manifesto, but will influence UKIP in its formulation of future policies. We are guided by best scientific practice, drawing on unbiased studies in peer-reviewed articles published in respected scientific journals.

This UKIP commitment to Science is reflected in policy areas as diverse as:

  • Education, where STEMM subjects are given paramount importance.
  • Animal Welfare, where objective measurement of the rapidity of blood flow, and consequent onset of unconsciousness, after the carotid arteries of a mammal are cleanly severed is the principal determinant in assessing the level of suffering of livestock subject to so-called ‘religious’ slaughter.
  • Transport, where suspect ‘scientific’ studies have often been used to justify excessive signage, usage restrictions and road furniture which allegedly increase traffic flow and reduce congestion, and the over-zealous introduction of monitoring cameras and deterrents like speed bumps which allegedly improve road safety and reduce accidents, though common-sense, anecdotal evidence and other, arguably less partisan and more objective academic studies, suggest they frequently achieve the opposite.
  • Energy and the Environment, where measurement of climate change and testing it for anthropogenicity is key to meaningful decision-making. Dogma is no replacement for objectivity, especially when there is so much at stake financially. The UK’s total contribution, direct as well as measured in terms of consumption of imported manufactured goods, to global pollution is comparable to that of some single cities in the third world.
  • While considering published research, UKIP recognises that it is important to determine who fund­ed it, and what the aims might be of the funder, and also examine the record of the researchers concerned so as to determine if they too are likely to have an agenda. There have been instances when data has been falsified, or analysed only selectively, so as to support conclusions that fit the requirements of a lobbying group. That is not good or acceptable science and needs to be exposed.

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