May 4, 2024


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2K and Gearbox reveal Borderlands 3 next-gen support, new skill trees, split-screen play and more at PAX Online

Borderlands 3 FL4K Loaderbot Companion

It’s been pretty much a year since Borderlands 3 burst onto the gaming scene, and whilst it may not have gathered up the enthusiasm of the entire gaming scene like the original game and Borderlands 2 did, it has still delivered a more than acceptable experience. But the key to any long-term success for any game is how the development and publishing teams amend things going forward, and with what 2K and Gearbox Software have revealed at PAX Online, there is huge reason to be excited for where Borderlands 3 is going.

So, how does full next-gen support, new Vault Hunter skill trees, additional add-on content, vertical split-screen and four-player local co-op sound? Well, that’s exactly what Borderlands 3 players will be getting in the near future.

You can check out the entire Borderlands 3 showcase right below these words, but for those in a rush, or prefering to scan some text instead of video, we’ve got you sorted.

Leading the way is confirmation that Borderlands 3 is coming to both Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5. Now that may not be much of a surprise to anyone, but should you already own the current-gen version of the game on Xbox One and you’re looking to continue playing on Xbox Series X, you’ll receive a free upgrade to the Xbox Series X version. Standard stuff. Similarly, if you own the game on PlayStation 4, you’ll receive a free upgrade to the PlayStation 5 version if you’re playing on PlayStation 5. But this doesn’t just apply to the base game – you’ll be able to take all content you’ve purchased, as well as all your saves across.

In addition to that and as we move to the next-gen, Borderlands 3 will be running at 60 frames per second at 4K resolution on Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 in single-player, whilst the next-gen console versions will include two highly requested local co-op features, free for all players. Yep, for the first time ever, you’ll be able to play four-player split-screen, and when enjoying two-player co-op, you’ll have the option to divide the screen horizontally or vertically. That’s right, vertical split-screen! Better still, this vertical split-screen option will also be added to the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of the game via a free patch.

Borderlands 3 Four-Player Split-Screen

So all good on the next-gen front, but that’s not all and 2K have confirmed that Borderlands 3 will also receive additional add-on content later this year. Though the next paid add-on won’t come across like the campaign DLCs of the now complete Season Pass – Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot, Guns, Love, and Tentacles and Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck -it will include a brand new game mode, as well as an additional new skill tree for each Vault Hunter.

Should you wish to take in the video below, you’ll see how Gearbox gave viewers an in-depth look at FL4K’s new “Trapper” skill tree – which emphasizes shields and survivability for both FL4K and their pet – plus FL4K’s new Action Skill: Gravity Snare, a throwable trap that tosses enemies up into the air before slamming them back into the ground. Enemies caught in its radius will have their attacks interrupted, giving FL4K a crowd control skill for the first time.

Further, Gearbox also revealed FL4K’s latest pet option: a Hyperion Loaderbot. FL4K’s special Loaderbot buddy can be specced in a variety of ways as you work your way down the skill tree: there’s the range-based ION Loader, which fires slow-moving projectiles can be shot to create powerful shock novas; the BUL Loader, which charges enemies and knocks them into the air with its shield (or just roundhouse kicks them); and the WAR Loader, which packs an incendiary shotgun, can toss grenades, and unleashes homing missiles on command.

Exciting times for Borderlands 3 players, especially those looking to get on the Xbox Series X and PS5 train. Will you be one of them? Let us know in the comments.

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